AquaTwin Sewer New State of the Art Implicit Solver Enables Significantly Faster, Higher Fidelity Sewer Network Modeling

Key Highlights:

  • Superfast, accurate and unconditionally stable implicit solver based on the powerful Fast Staggered-Grid Implicit Finite Difference (FSGI) scheme for solving the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations in sewer networks.
  • Easily model large and complex sewer networks with impressive speed, accuracy and stability.
  • Seamlessly choose between the Explicit Dynamic Wave (SWMM5) and FSGI solution schemes (without any additional data or change in input file) and compare results.
  • Enables customers to push the limits of sewer network model sizes and complexity.

Aquanuity, Inc., the leader in strategy-led simulation-powered water infrastructure digital twin software, today announced the release of a new state of the art computationally efficient and unconditionally stable implicit solver for AquaTwin Sewer and AquaTwin Sewer 2D that pushes the limits of sanitary and storm sewer analysis. It further substantiates Aquanuity’s steadfast commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering value-driven geocentric innovation to its customers.

The new numerical method is the powerful fast staggered-grid implicit finite difference scheme (FSGI) for solving the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations in sewer/channel networks. It solves for link flows and nodal heads simultaneously at each time step by embedding the solutions to the Saint-Venant equations into a system of implicit linear equations. This ensures stability, accuracy, and computational efficiency. Furthermore, the method utilizes recurrence relations significantly reducing the size of the solution matrix and increasing computation speed compared to the more conventional implicit schemes. These computational advantages are imperative to effectively and efficiently model large and complex networks.

“We are committed to delivering increased performance and capability to provide our customers with higher levels of sewer network modeling and engineering insight to accelerate innovation,” said Paul F. Boulos, Aquanuity Chairman and CEO. “Built for simulation speed, accuracy and stability, the new implicit solver equips users with unprecedented capabilities for modeling large and complex sewer systems. It enables our customers to save hours of engineering time, where project schedule is always critical. We are thrilled to introduce this breakthrough modeling solution to drive our industry innovation forward.”

About Aquanuity

Aquanuity is an engineering technology company focused on helping the world’s water infrastructure work better. We blend science and creativity to create cutting-edge innovations that play a critical role in advancing a sustainable future. Our innovative software fundamentally changes the way water utilities and engineering firms can use technology to create and manage safe, efficient, reliable, sustainable, resilient and smarter water infrastructure and build better communities.