Do more better, smarter, faster ... for less, and unlock more value from your water infrastructure

AquaTwin Water

Built exclusively on ArcGIS Pro®,  AquaTwin Water is the next-generation AI-powered geocentric digital twin software for safe, reliable, sustainable and resilient water infrastructure. The software can effectively be used by both water utilities and their engineering consultants in all phases of the water infrastructure asset lifecycle. Design and size new water infrastructure, retrofit existing aging infrastructure, provide adequate capacity to fight fires, prepare wildfire resilience and power outage plans, estimate earthquake damages, forecast demands, optimize operations of tanks and pumps, reduce energy usage, investigate water quality problems, plan flushing operations, and prepare for emergencies. And armed with very fast and advanced simulation capabilities, users can model contamination threats and evaluate resilience to security threats, climate change or natural disasters.

A comprehensive 64-bit feature-packed modeling and analysis software extension for ArcGIS Pro®, AquaTwin Water lets utilities predict how their water systems will perform during disruptive incidents and determine how to best absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to such incidents and increase resilience. Its powerful simulation and analysis tools can help water utilities to explore the capacity of their systems to handle disruptive incidents and guide the planning necessary to make them more resilient over time. Users are now able to proactively solve or prevent problems, make confident decisions, execute quickly on a consistent basis, and plan and shape a better future for their communities.

AquaTwin Water Pro

Multi-Species Extension

AquaTwin Water Pro extends the powerful water quality modeling capabilities of AquaTwin Water with the important ability to model complex reactions between multiple chemical and biological species in both the bulk flow and at the pipe wall. It allows users the flexibility to model dispersion in dead-ends and a wide-range of chemical reactions of interest, including, auto-decomposition of chloramines to ammonia, the formation of disinfection byproducts, biological regrowth, combined reaction rate constants in multi-source systems, and mass transfer limited oxidation-pipe wall adsorption reactions. It also automatically calculates and assigns initial water quality equilibrium conditions for all links and nodes.

Unidirectional Flushing Extension

AquaTwin Water Pro adds a fully automated unidirectional flushing solution for creating pipe flushing plans to restore distribution system hydraulic capacity and improve water quality. It uses the minimum flushing velocity and shear stress criteria to design the proper sequences of hydrants to open and boundary valves to close for optimal cleaning while maintaining sufficient pressure at critical locations in the system.

Future-Proof Your Water Infrastructure


Key Features and Functionality

  • 64 bit ArcGIS Pro extension application.
  • Work directly inside your existing Cloud and enterprise environment such as ArcGIS Online/Portal and share work and content across your organization.
  • No Importing/Exporting of GIS: GIS-centric software. Connect directly to your Enterprise GIS (or Local, if preferred).
  • Ability to dynamically link to dashboards such as ArcGIS Insights, including displaying and analyzing of multiple scenarios.
  • All ArcGIS Pro Symbology and Mapping available (including 3D “Scenes”).
  • Full support of ArcGIS Pro Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network.
  • Compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.x.
  • Provide complete history of changes and modifications (multi-user environment).
  • Hotlink/hyperlink function to provide additional information for any network element features.
  • Create digital twin directly from an EPANET file.
  • Create digital twin directly from GIS.
  • Create digital twin directly from Esri utility networks/Local Government database.
  • Update/synch digital twin/model directly from GIS.
  • All input/output data in one native Geodatabase. No external or silo databases. No data duplication. Up to 60x faster data processing speed.
  • Automatically assign node elevations from DEM/DTM.
  • Comprehensive set of GIS data validation and clean-up tools.
  • Create digital twin from multiple sources including ArcGIS Online, geodatabase, shapefiles, DBFs, CMMS, billing data, etc.
  • Automatically convert pumps and valves with point features in GIS to links (i.e., from nodes to links).
  • Build link-node connectivity based on GIS data.
  • Create GIS layer from meter connections.
  • Perform very fast and accurate hydraulic and dynamic water quality simulations, including multi-source tracing.
  • Model turbines, constant power, variable-speed, fixed-flow or fixed-pressure pumps.
  • All input data and output results for all network elements stored in the geodatabase for quick and effective review and analysis.
  • Model all types of dynamic valves including Positional Control Valves (PCV).
  • Compute tank turnover time (days) for all tanks (cylindrical and non-cylindrical).
  • Allow for the consideration of multiple interacting species in the bulk flow and on the pipe walls.
  • Allow multispecies reaction with dispersion. In dead end regions, dispersion may play an important role in constituent transport.
  • New improved topological sortwater quality routing algorithm with no mass loss or creation.
  • New Lagrangian Time Driven transportmethod (Rossman and Boulos 1996) as in EPANET 2.2 and provides mass balance report for all the RATE species.
  • Use parallel computing(parallelization) with up to 60% faster run time.
  • Automatically calculates and assigns initial water quality equilibrium conditions for all links and nodes.
  • Determine impact of asset failure on your network hydraulic and water quality performance.
  • Flag idle facilities.
  • Compute hydraulic resilience index for entire network.
  • Simulate pipe burst/break based on break size for any pipe.
  • Calculate break/leakage volume.
  • Determine how your water infrastructure system operates under normal or abnormal conditions; assess its capacity to handle disruptive incidents and develop the planning necessary to make it more resilient over time.
  • Pinpoint service disruption and report population impacted, pressure and demand shortfall, disconnected junctions, remaining water service availability, and pipes with excessive headloss and velocity.
  • Calculate resilience index.
  • Identify worst case scenarios and efficient repair strategies.
  • Plan for and practice responding to emergencies.
  • Reduce risk.
  • Use AI for demand forecasting, anomaly detection, and time-series pattern prediction.
  • Use native ArcGIS Pro data selection and query tools.
  • Use all native ArcGIS Pro Query Builder and Geoprocessing tools.
  • Create and save Queries and Selections using a select or Structured Query Language (SQL) expression.
  • Query from multiple sources including hydraulic/water quality results and external layers (e.g., land use) and databases (e.g., CMMS).
  • Quickly compute available and maximum fire flows at hydrants while maintaining minimum required residual pressures both locally and system-wide to identify where fire protection is inadequate.
  • Fire flows can be computed for a single hydrant, a group of selected hydrants, or all hydrants in a pressure zone or in the system.
  • Quickly calculate maximum fire flows at hydrants while maintaining maximum velocity constraint in pipes.
  • Use fast and stable exact non-iterative analytical solutions for fire flow computations as opposed to slower, less reliable iterative numerical solutions.
  • Option to include hydrant lateral loss
  • Automatically allocate fire flow demands at junctions/hydrants based on any point (e.g., user classification) or polygon GIS layer (e.g., land user type).
  • Import fire flow demands directly from any database table.
  • Multiple nearby hydrants provide fire flow at the same time for the same duration or at different times and different durations.
  • Two or more fires are occurring at the same time for the same duration or at different times and different durations, at opposite ends of town (i.e., different geographic locations).
  • When a fire engine pulls up to a fire, it doesn’t just hook up to a single fire hydrant. Typical fire engines have fire hoses long enough to hook up to two hydrants simultaneously (w/typical hydrant spacing of <500 ft) to provide sufficient firefighting water. The Wildfire Risk and Resilience Analysis tool automatically groups and allocates fire flows at two nearest hydrants and sequentially analyzes all hydrant groups for the entire selection set (e.g., pressure zone, entire system).
  • Automatically compute maximum available fire flow at the two nearest hydrants flowing simultaneously for all hydrant groups in the selection set.
  • Integrate wildfire planning efforts with water infrastructure planning to improve water system and community resilience and reliability in the face of increased wildfire risk.
  • Identify key risks, areas of concern, and develop hazard reduction strategies that will reduce the impact of wildfire to life and property.
  • Develop reliable and cost-effective actions that improve mitigation, planning, response, and recovery activities.
  • Inform Capital Improvement Program to evaluate and prioritize water infrastructure and wildfire resilience.
  • Build a reliable fire-resilient water infrastructure system for community protection.

Quantify resilience and compare the benefits of different utility response strategies and long-term mitigation strategies.

  • Compromised source water analysis.
  • Reduction in water service availability over time.
  • Reduction in quality of water provided.
  • Tank draining and pressure loss over time.
  • Hydraulic connectivity: compute critical hydraulic pathways in the network in order to better understand what customers would be affected by shutdown over time.
  • Plan and develop mitigation strategies (e.g., additional back up power, interconnections and agreements, etc.).

Earthquakes can be some of the most sudden and impactful disasters that a water distribution system can experience. An earthquake can cause damage to water system components including pipes and tanks that could take weeks, if not months, to fully repair. Additionally, earthquakes can cause power outages and fires. New version automatically:

  • Evaluates seismic performance of existing pipes and tanks based on any scenario earthquake (earthquake location and magnitude).
  • Determines system-wide performance given a particular earthquake scenario.
  • Computes peak ground velocity (PGV) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) based on any scenario earthquake.
  • Uses default or user-defined seismic fragility curves for pipelines and tanks.
  • Calculates total water loss volume to leaks and breaks.
  • Color-codes pipes based on magnitude of water loss volume.
  • Identifies tanks that are taken out of service.
  • Prioritizes resilience‐enhancing actions.
  • Useful for assessing the likely or maximum losses given that a particular earthquake occurs, for evaluating emergency response plans, and in meeting pre-set performance goals.
  • Automatically create pipe flushing sequences.
  • Quickly design efficient pipe flushing sequences to restore distribution system hydraulic capacity and enhance water quality.
  • Consider target minimum velocity and shear stress criteria.
  • Automatically close all boundary valves along pipe alignment.
  • Compute minimum flushing time, total flushing volume and pipe length (safety factor), flushing velocity and shear stress, and available flow at the target minimum residual pressure.
  • Instantly create flushing sequence field book that operators and maintenance crews can use in the field.
  • Publish and share flush sequences to dashboards or mobile devices.
  • Automatically identify pressure zones in the water network.
  • Summarize flow balance and inter-zone information and results for each time step of an EPS scenario.
  • Compute and display Hydraulic Profile/Schematic for each time step of an EPS scenario.
  • Color-codes and summarize results by pressure zone.
  • Create, edit and manage an unlimited number of scenarios using built-in parent-child relationship.
  • Generate new scenarios, switch between existing scenarios, run multiple scenarios, and compare results from different scenarios.
  • Build, view and edit an unlimited number of scenario alternatives with intuitive single-click alternative sets manager.
  • Automatically compare, identify and review input data changes/differences between scenarios.
  • Automatically redraw network map for any scenario (e.g., subnetwork, pressure zone, etc.).
  • Allow concurrent editing of a network or subnetworks.
  • Merge subnetworks (e.g., pressure zones).
  • Run and analyze different alternatives.
  • Compare changes/modifications and results.
  • Manage and share data and results.
  • Instantly create, review and analyze new facilities scenarios directly from ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Portal or ArcSDE.
  • Develop phased, multi-year roadmap (CIP) for creating, maintaining and funding present and future infrastructure needs.
  • Quickly simulate, review and analyze any number of CIP and development scenarios within the same geodatabase.​
  • Compare results of a simulation against measured field data (e.g., pressure, fluoride, chlorine, flow, tank level, etc.)
  • Use statistics report (error statistics, correlation plot, mean comparisons) to show how well simulated results match actual field measurements.
  • Display, review and analyze results using dynamic analytic tools including vivid dashboards, heat maps, 2D and 3D mapping, contours, graphs, profiles, tables, and reports.
  • Graph and compare results for multiple scenarios.
  • Graph results for multiple network elements for quick review and comparison.
  • Graph results for multiple parameters (e.g., node demand and node pressure) for quick review and comparison.
  • Generate input and output reports for multiple network elements.

Contact Aquanuity

Discover the full spectrum of tools and capabilities within the AquaTwin geocentric water infrastructure digital twin today.

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