Do more better, smarter, faster ... for less, and unlock more value from your sewer infrastructure

AquaTwin Sewer

A comprehensive 64-bit feature-packed modeling and analysis software extension for ArcGIS Pro and powered by the latest version of the industry standard EPA SWMM 5 engine, AquaTwin Sewer leads the water infrastructure digital twin world in modeling capabilities, customer impacts, geocentric and geoprocessing technology excellence. It can effectively be used by both utilities and their engineering consultants in all phases of the urban sewer infrastructure asset lifecycle. All operations of a typical sanitary, storm and combined sewer system — from analysis and design to management functions such as water quality assessment, urban flooding, pollution prediction, real-time control and record keeping — are addressed in a single geocentric environment.

Plan, design, and analyze stormwater, sanitary and combined sewer systems; analyze hydraulic capacity; identify bottlenecks and mitigate overflows and blockages; size detention facilities and their appurtenances for flood control and water quality protection; map flood plains of natural channel systems; evaluate gray infrastructure stormwater control strategies, such as pipes and storm drains; design real-time controls; manage rainfall dependent inflow and infiltration (RDII); optimize BMP and LID designs; create cost-effective green/gray hybrid stormwater control solutions; evaluate resilient solutions; and meet SSO and CSO regulations. The software comprehensive scenario and alternative twin set management capabilities let users quickly create, run, evaluate, visualize, and compare an unlimited number of different pipe sizing, design and operational strategies, mitigation options, and network and pump configurations for improved decision-making.

A breakthrough innovation in sewer network modeling, AquaTwin Sewer lets you tap into the clean thermal energy of wastewater to power homes and businesses. By accurately calculating wastewater temperature dynamics in your sewer network taking into account the interaction and thermodynamics between bulk liquid (wastewater or stormwater), sewer headspace, pipe wall and the surrounding soil, AquaTwin Sewer gives you the power to evaluate the impact/magnitude of heat recovery on water temperature as well as the optimal placement of heat collection equipment.

AquaTwin Sewer 2D

AquaTwin Sewer 2D extends the powerful sewer network modeling capabilities (sub-surface system) of AquaTwin Sewer by giving users the ability to accurately model overland runoff (surface system). It efficiently simulates the dynamic interaction between the sewer network and the overland flow to accurately predict the flood inundation extents. The hydrodynamic simulation of the sub-surface system is solved using the 1D Saint-Venant equations and the hydrodynamic simulation of the surface system inundation is solved using the 2D shallow water equations. The resulting fully integrated 1D-2D model is a very useful and powerful tool in simulating flood extent and flood inundation in urban areas.

AquaTwin Sewer 2D: A Masterpiece in Usability and Performance.

AquaTwin Sewer 2D: Seamlessly Integrates with ArcGIS Pro 3.3 Flood Simulation.

Future-Proof Your Sewer Infrastructure

Key Features and Functionality

  • 64 bit ArcGIS Pro extension application.
  • Work directly inside your existing Cloud and enterprise environment such as ArcGIS Online/Portal and share work and content across your organization.
  • No Importing/Exporting of GIS: GIS-centric software. Connect directly to your Enterprise GIS (or Local, if preferred).
  • Ability to dynamically link to dashboards such as ArcGIS Insights, including displaying and analyzing of multiple scenarios.
  • All ArcGIS Pro Symbology and Mapping available (including 3D “Scenes”).
  • Full support of ArcGIS Pro Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network.
  • Compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.x.
  • Provide complete history of changes and modifications (multi-user environment).
  • Hotlink/hyperlink function to provide additional information for any network element features.
  • Create digital twin directly from any SWMM 5 file.
  • Create digital twin directly from GIS.
  • Create digital twin directly from Esri utility networks/Local Government database.
  • Update/synch digital twin/model directly from GIS.
  • All input/output data in one native Geodatabase. No external or silo databases. No data duplication. Up to 60x faster data processing speed.
  • Automatically assign node elevations from DEM/DTM.
  • Comprehensive set of GIS data validation and clean-up tools.

The “Subcatchment Toolset” automatically delineates subcatchments from digital elevation models (DEMs) based on domain topology, calculate their land areas, and define their characteristics. It automatically:

  • Delineate subcatchments based on user-selected inlets/outfalls (including ability to edit, move and add data to existing subcatchments).
  • Fill sinks in a DEM.
  • Compute flow direction and flow accumulation.
  • Assign subcatchment outlets.
  • Snap inlets/outfalls to the highest flow accumulation points.
  • Calculate subcatchment slope and width.
  • Determine infiltration and impervious properties, pollutant loading, and overland flow roughness from polygon layers and zonal statistics.
  • Derive flow streams and networks.
  • Identify storage areas and compute storage curves.
  • Create digital twin from multiple sources including ArcGIS Online, geodatabase, shapefiles, etc.
  • Spatially assign data from assets (e.g., infiltration data from land use polygon to subcatchments).
  • Automatically convert pumps with point features in GIS to links (i.e., from nodes to links).
  • Build link-node connectivity based on GIS data.
  • Handle drainage networks of unlimited size.
  • Use a wide variety of standard closed and open conduit shapes as well as natural channels to accurately portray the existing system.
  • Use constant and depth-varied Manning’s roughness coefficient.
  • Model special elements, such as street inlet drains, storage/treatment units, flow dividers, pumps, weirs, and orifice.
  • Enable diurnal patterns for dry weather flow (DWF) with hourly multipliers for each day of the week.
  • Apply external flows and water quality inputs from surface runoff, groundwater interflow, rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow, dry weather sanitary flow, and user-defined inflows.
  • Steady flow, kinematic wave or dynamic wave routing methods.
  • Model various flow regimes, such as backwater, surcharging, reverse flow, and surface ponding.
  • Apply user-defined dynamic control rules to simulate the operation of pumps, orifice openings, and weir crest levels.
  • Manage storage for unmodeled pipes.
  • Automatically assign minor loss coefficients based on the pipe exit angle.
  • Automated highly efficient and robust unstructured 2D triangular mesh generation.
  • Overland flow, quality and infiltration (surface system) are modeled using the conservative formulation of the 2D Shallow Water Equations and advanced finite volume scheme.
  • Dynamic coupling of 1D simulation of flows in sewer networks with 2D simulation of surface flooding in the urban environment.
  • Support all five infiltration methods including the Classical Horton Method, Modified Horton Method, Green-Ampt Method, Modified Green-Ampt Method, and SCS Curve Number Method.
  • Simulate flows across the ground surface that leave and enter the 1D network through junctions. Flow is routed between the 1D and 2D simulations at each timestep.
  • Simulate rain-on-grid.
  • Directly use terrain data from GIS for accurate representation of ponding.
  • Visualize 2D flooding animation for each timestep in the simulation period.
  • Automatically compute and display “maximum” ponding flood depth for the simulation period.
  • Instantly create flood depth raster for every time step and for maximum depth.
  • Fast, dynamic display of flooding results including depth, velocity and direction of flow.
  • Perform dynamic flood simulations in 3D scenes.
  • Seamlessly integrates with ArcGIS Pro 3.3 Flood Simulation.
  • Assess impact of service disruption.
  • Predict time for upstream system surcharge when any sewer pipe is taken out of service.
  • Evaluate upstream and downstream hydraulic impacts upon resumed normal operations.
  • Compare overall sewer system performance before, during and after sewer pipe repairs.
  • Plan temporary bypass pumping operations.
  • Time-varying rainfall (precipitation) and evaporation of standing surface water.
  • Support Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) radar rainfall.
  • Nonlinear reservoir routing of overland flow.
  • Snow accumulation and melting.
  • Rainfall interception from depression storage.
  • Infiltration of rainfall into unsaturated soil layers using multiple infiltration methods.
  • Percolation of infiltrated water into groundwater layers Interflow between groundwater and the drainage system.

Comprehensive Rainfall-Runoff Simulation and Precipitation Analysis

  • Compare measured data with simulated data.
  • Switch between measured and simulated plots for multiple assets.
  • Built-in depth vs. velocity scatterplots for more detailed analysis of measured and simulated data.
  • Create scatterplots with multiple reference curves, including Manning’s normal flow, Iso-Q, Froude number, and more.
  • Scatterplots for comparing simulated and measured peak depth, peak velocity, peak flow, and volume with user-defined ranges of acceptable values.
  • Display multiple time series plots comparing measured and simulated data along with summary statistics.
  • Archive, analyze and aggregate real-time and historical data, including radar images and meteorological forecasts.
  • Import, storage and export time-series data including 2D rainfall data.
  • Manage user edits of time-series data.
  • Add missing data, interpolate data, and fix invalid data.
  • Create and run any number of scenarios with varying rainfall data and compare simulation results.
  • Simulate past and future events.
  • Combine rain gauge and 2D rainfall profiles.
  • Support non-regular time steps for time-varying data.
  • Continuous model update with real-time field and radar data.
  • Assess network resilience to potential overflows, flooding and other non-routine events.
  • Automatically create a time series for a design storm of given depth, duration and return period that follows a particular time pattern distribution.
  • Create transects from user-defined cross sections on DEM or contour data.
  • EPA SWMM5 Nonlinear Reservoir
  • NRCS (SCS) Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Method
  • NRCS (SCS) Triangular Unit Hydrograph Method
  • Delmarva Unit Hydrograph (SCS)
  • Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP)
  • Snyder Unit Hydrograph Method (HEC-RAS)
  • Clark Unit Hydrograph Method (HEC-RAS)
  • Espey Unit Hydrograph Method
  • Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method
  • Rational Method (Peak Flow)
  • San Diego Modified Rational Formula
  • Modified Rational Formula
  • Modified Rational Unit Hydrograph (MRUH)
  • Automatically calibrate RTK parameters to match observed RDII inflow data using advanced Genetic Algorithm optimization.
  • Observed RDII inflows can be specified for a single or multiple monitoring locations (junctions).
  • Allow time delay between modeled and observed RDII flows.
  • Automatically identify and differentiate dry weather flow from flow meter data.
  • Calibrate dry weather flow data.
  • Automatically extract weekdays and weekends patterns from the dry weather flow meter data.
  • Calculate and plot dry weather flow for weekdays and weekends.
  • Determine RDII events start and end times and compute the ratios of RDII flows to rainfall for all events.
  • Dry-weather pollutant buildup over different land uses.
  • Pollutant wash-off from specific land uses during storm events.
  • Direct contribution of rainfall deposition.
  • Reduction in dry-weather buildup due to street cleaning.
  • Reduction in wash-off load due to best management practices (BMPs).
  • Entry of dry weather sanitary flows and user-specified external inflows at any point in the drainage system.
  • Routing of water quality constituents through the drainage system.
  • Reduction in constituent concentration through treatment in storage units or by natural processes in pipes and channels.
  • Hydrogen sulfide buildup.
  • Sediment transport and deposition.
  • Multi-source tracing.
  • Calculate wastewater temperature dynamics in the sewer network taking into account the interaction between bulk liquid (wastewater or stormwater), sewer headspace, pipe wall and the surrounding soil. Wastewater temperatures are particularly sensitive to soil and headspace temperature, and headspace humidity.
  • Compute the thermal energy balance (how much energy is transferred into or out of the wastewater system).
  • Model any complex sewer network including any combination of full and partially full pipes as well as closed conduits and open channels.
  • Let users evaluate the impact/magnitude of heat recovery on water temperature as well as the optimal placement of heat collection equipment.
  • Allow users to explore the use of treated sewer effluent to biodiverse areas, i.e. putting sewer effluent to a societally positive use after treatment. The problem is the treated effluent temperature is too high and would damage or kill the plants they are trying to water.
  • Bioretention Cells (or Bioswales). Bioretention cells are depressions containing vegetation grown in an engineered soil mixture placed above a gravel drainage bed that provide storage, infiltration, and evaporation of both direct rainfall and runoff captured from surrounding areas.
  • Continuous Permeable Pavement Systems. Permeable pavement allows rainfall to immediately pass through the pavement into the gravel storage layer below where it can infiltrate at natural rates into the site’s native soil. In block paver systems, rainfall is captured in the open spaces between the blocks and conveyed to the storage zone and native soil below.
  • Green Roofs. Green roofs are a variation of a bioretention cells that have a soil layer atop a special drainage mat material that conveys excess percolated rainfall off of the roof. They contain vegetation that enable rainfall infiltration and evapotranspiration of stored water.
  • Infiltration Trenches. Infiltration trenches are narrow ditches filled with gravel that intercept runoff from upslope impervious areas. They provide storage volume and additional time for captured runoff to infiltrate the native soil below.
  • Rain Barrels or Cisterns (Rainwater Harvesting). Rain barrels and cisterns are containers that collect roof runoff during storm events and can either release or re-use the rainwater during dry periods. Cisterns may be located above or below ground and have a greater storage capacity than a rain barrel.
  • Rain Gardens. Rain gardens are depressed areas, planted with grasses, flowers, and other plants, that collect rain water from a roof, driveway, or street and allow it to infiltrate into the ground. More complex rain gardens are often referred to as bioretention cells.
  • Rooftop (Downspout) Disconnection. This practice allows rooftop rainwater to discharge to pervious landscaped areas and lawns instead of directly into storm drains. It can be used to store stormwater (e.g., in a rain barrel) and/or allow stormwater to infiltrate into the soil (e.g., into a rain garden or lawn).
  • Vegetative Swales. Vegetative swales are channels or depressed areas with sloping sides covered with grass and other vegetation that slow down the conveyance of collected runoff and allow it more time to infiltrate the native soil beneath it.
  • Create, edit and manage an unlimited number of scenarios using built-in parent-child relationship.
  • Generate new scenarios, switch between existing scenarios, run multiple scenarios, and compare results from different scenarios.
  • Build, view and edit an unlimited number of scenario alternatives with intuitive single-click alternative sets manager.
  • Automatically compare, identify and review input data changes/differences between scenarios.
  • Automatically redraw network map for any scenario.
  • Allow concurrent editing of a network or subnetworks.
  • Merge subnetworks (e.g., pressure zones).
  • Run and analyze different alternatives.
  • Compare changes/modifications and results.
  • Manage and share data and results.
  • Display, review and analyze results using dynamic analytic tools including vivid dashboards, heat maps, 2D and 3D mapping, contours, graphs, profiles, statistical frequency analyses, tables, and reports.
  • Graph and compare results for multiple scenarios.
  • Graph results for multiple network elements for quick review and comparison.
  • Graph results for multiple parameters (e.g., pump flow and storage depth) for quick review and comparison.
  • Generate input and output reports for multiple network elements.
  • Create profiles between any two points.
  • Manually select links from map to add to profiles.
  • Worst Case option to show maximum depth in conduit regardless of time step.
  • Save profiles for future reference.
  • View multiple HGLs from different scenarios on the same profile.
  • Display HGLs over the simulation time.
  • View all possible profiles upstream of a node for model building.
  • Add labels to profiles.
  • Print profiles to PDF.

Contact Aquanuity

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