Accelerate digital transformation of traditional wet infrastructure
management into intelligent simulation-driven management

AquaTwin Asset

AquaTwin Asset is the leading AI-powered, simulation-based self-service water, wastewater and stormwater condition assessment and risk-based capital planning software for Esri® ArcGIS Pro®. It lets you address short-term infrastructure challenges through effective maintenance spending while extending the lifespan of critical aging assets under frequently changing conditions and building resilient and sustainable infrastructure for the future. And armed with advanced analytics and hydraulic network simulation capabilities, you can innovate and validate like never before.

Built exclusively on ArcGIS Pro®, AquaTwin Asset is a powerful feature-packed software for intelligent asset management of water, wastewater and stormwater systems. It lets utilities automate inspection work, measure asset performance, determine remaining useful life for all assets, evaluate infrastructure capacity shortfalls under population growth and climate variability, pinpoint assets at highest risk considering both likelihood and consequence of failure, identify root causes and patterns, and prioritize repair and replacement activities. It also enables them to prolong operational lifespan and value of aging assets, predict future asset performance, optimize capital planning, and secure business continuity resilience. Users are able to maximize their assets’ life cycles through sustainable infrastructure strategies and investments, making it possible to achieve the operational efficiencies and the future they envision while bettering their communities.

AquaTwin Asset Pro

Urban drainage and sewer systems are facing increasing pressures due to an aging, deteriorating infrastructure further impacted by climate change, and rapid urbanization rates. Common risks in these types of environments include structural failures, service disruptions, flooding and associated environmental and public safety risks, and local area damage. AquaTwin Asset Pro was specifically designed to help utilities plan system improvements to strengthen and optimize their infrastructures at the lowest possible costs and highest efficiency. The software provides a powerful, seamless integration to the industry-standard EPA SWMM5 engine, adding cutting-edge hydraulic, hydrologic and water quality simulation capabilities and allowing sewer infrastructure capacity analysis results to be incorporated into risk/criticality assessment.

Automate Field Investigation

Build defect datasets from archived CCTV videos and use built-in Machine Learning to inspect more pipes, faster, better and cheaper and automate ongoing inspection projects.

Assess Simulation-Based Risk Levels

Use built-in analytics to determine and score the likelihood of failure, consequence of failure including hydraulic performance impact, and business risk exposure of each asset and better manage and prioritize repair.

Isolate Individual Risk Factors

Leverage cutting-edge built-in algorithms to trace the root causes of (factors having the highest impact on) asset deterioration/failure and take corrective actions while driving long-term performance improvements. This includes pipes, valves, pumps and tanks.

Determine R&R Priorities

Use built-in risk framework, considering condition prediction, life-cycle cost analysis and criticality/resilience assessment, to prioritize needed improvement.

Build Water Infrastructure Resilience

Simulate and analyze water infrastructure resilience; determine how your infrastructure will perform during disruptive incidents and how to best absorb, recover from, and adapt to such incidents.

Develop Optimized CIP

Create prioritized, costed capital improvement projects using fully configurable R&R decision diagrams to optimize capital investments.

Evaluate System Capacity Under Uncertain Climate Change

Quantify system risk in terms of reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability. Identify hydraulic capacity shortfalls resulting from climate variability (e.g., changes in temperature and precipitation magnitude).


Water and wastewater utilities are struggling to close the widening gap between their wet infrastructure funding needs and availability. Let AquaTwin help you optimize the performance of your assets to increase reliability and availability, minimize costs, reduce operational risks, keep your community safe, and plan and shape a better, more sustainable future. What’s more? You can get up and running quickly with minimal training and start making informed decisions that will lead to financial, operational and business success.

Achieve Sustainable Infrastructure

Manage wet infrastructure capital assets to minimize the total cost of owning and operating them, while delivering the service level customers desire.

Boost Operational Resilience and Reliability

Predict and prevent breaks, locate leaks and reduce NRW, identify sustainable rates, and extend asset life without unnecessary costs.

Optimize Infrastructure Upgrade Investments and Risk Management

Catalog and prioritize high-risk assets and allocate expenditures to yield the greatest return on investment.

Close Infrastructure Funding Gap

Close the infrastructure funding gap and place your assets on the road to efficiency and sustainability using life cycle costing and reinvesting the savings in your wet infrastructure.

Prioritize and Optimize Asset Management and Capital Planning

Develop optimal capital improvement plan and budget to gain governing bodies and stakeholders buy-in, and get better financial ratings and lower financing costs.

Improve Communication and Streamline Workflows

AquaTwin is built atop ArcGIS Pro® giving you complete access to generate maintenance work order and publish your asset prioritization plan to ArcGIS® Online/Portal.

Validate Pipe Renewal Plan

AquaTwin gives you the power to run and evaluate multiple hydraulic and fire flow simulation scenarios and see how your system will perform against requirements (e.g., identify where fire protection is inadequate).

Turn Data into a Management Dashboard

Directly connect to your maps and data and create custom dashboards that best inform stakeholders. Use dashboards to make data-driven decisions.

Build Water Infrastructure Resilience

Assess the capacity of your water infrastructure to handle disruptive incidents and increase resilience.


Quick Specs

Key Features and Functionality

  • 64 bit ArcGIS Pro extension application.
  • Work directly inside your existing Cloud and enterprise environment such as ArcGIS Online/Portal and share work and content across your organization.
  • No Importing/Exporting of GIS: GIS-centric software. Connect directly to your Enterprise GIS (or Local, if preferred).
  • Ability to dynamically link to dashboards such as ArcGIS Insights, including displaying and analyzing of multiple R&R scenarios.
  • All ArcGIS Pro Symbology and Mapping available (including 3D “Scenes”).
  • Full support of ArcGIS Pro Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network.
  • Compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.x.
  • Package Projects into shareable zip folders with a single click.
  • Ability to save Asset Registration configuration.
  • Provide complete history of changes and modifications (multi-user environment).
  • Hotlink/hyperlink function to provide additional information about asset features.
  • Create digital twin directly from an EPANET file.
  • Fully embedded EPANET engine for use in AI failure prediction, Likelihood of Failure (e.g. above average Velocity), Consequence of Failure (high flows, high chlorine near rivers), System Safety (e.g., fire flow availability), and Criticality Analysis/Break Consequence (including water quality such as locations with low levels of chlorine residuals and/or high chlorine near rivers).
  • Create digital twin directly from GIS.
  • Determine impact of asset (pipe or valve) failure on your network hydraulic and water quality performance.
  • Flag idle facilities.
  • Compute hydraulic resilience index for the entire network.
  • Automatically perform criticality analysis for both pipes and valves for the entire network.
  • Identify critical customers by customer type.
  • Differentiate valve criticality based on valve size.
  • Determine how your water infrastructure system operates under normal or abnormal conditions; assess its capacity to handle disruptive incidents and develop the planning necessary to make it more resilient over time.
  • Plan for and practice responding to emergencies.
  • Reduce risk.
  • Use AI models to predict future failures, calculate Root Cause Analysis, and Risk costs for Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). As well as demand forecasting, anomaly detection, and time-series pattern prediction.
  • AI results accessible to LoF, CoF, and R&R planning.
  • Carry out comprehensive failure predictions and root cause analyses for all your assets including pipes, valves, pumps and tanks.
  • Add cutting-edge hydraulic, hydrologic and water quality simulation capabilities, fully integrating sewer infrastructure capacity analysis results into risk/criticality assessment.
  • Enhance and expand risk management of sewer systems with the latest EPA SWMM5 simulation capabilities, vital for accurately identifying capacity/overflow/flood risk areas and at-risk pipelines, for prioritizing flood prevention and mitigation efforts, and for consistently developing optimized R&R improvement solutions.
  • Deliver an integrated approach to managing drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure assets.
  • Provide automatic import and export functionality for SWMM5 projects.
  • Add manhole condition rating, grading and scoring functionality.
  • Inside 3D view of manhole defects. 
  • Evaluate complex LOF and COF factors on detailed Selections or Cohorts of Pipes.
  • Compute Remaining Useful Life for all pipes. 
  • Applicable to all assets (pipes, valves, pumps, tanks, etc.).
  • Calculate risk scores with a weighted additive or a multiplication approach.
  • Scale Risk scores.
  • Use peak score or total score.
  • Use AI failure results as LoF or results from root cause analysis to drive risk factors.
  • Apply risk scenarios on any user selected facilities.
  • Ability to reference external layers or tables.
  • Use a risk matrix (3×3, 4×4 or 5×5) or a risk scaling approach to group pipes into risk levels.
  • Risk Rating option to define multiplication or addition, weights to LoF or CoF, and exact percentile OR scores for Risk Group section breakers.
  • Nested-queries for detailed LoF/CoF/Risk logic and calculations.
  • Clone, edit and activate or deactivate LOF and COF factors across multiple Risk Scenarios.
  • Create, edit, clone and delete alternative scenarios, switch between scenarios, and compare scenarios.
  • Directly leverage hydraulic results, any attribute as well as risk and AI results.
  • Use detailed Queries for highly specific planning.
  • Develop short term (5 years) and long term (10, 20 or 30 years) capital planning.
  • Utilize results from the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) analysis to determine optimal replacement scheduling or to trigger repair vs replace.
  • Live-count displays the count of pipes selected in each Query box.
  • Instantly review the exact path each pipe has followed through the Decision Tree.
  • Search and edit R&R branches.
  • Save and share R&R plans across your organization or with other users.
  • Select and view all pipes and manholes for any specific R&R box.
  • Option to combine multiple R&R methods as a final action for pipes and manholes.
  • Group projects based on any pipe attributes, any number of links traced outward, any distance, and/or on any selection of pipes.
  • Prioritize projects with normalized risk per unit length values.
  • Interactive project management allowing users to select pipes directly from map to be added to a project.
  • Use ArcGIS Pro Selection tools (e.g., “Select by Attribute” and “Select by location”) to create simple or complex multi-variable, logic-based selections for any LoF, CoF, and/or R&R query.
  • Model very detailed criteria for R&R planning.
  • Nested query sets for multi-parameter (attribute and spatial) queries.
  • Query assets via any tabular and/or spatial queries across any external GIS data (spatial or non-spatial).
  • Allow concurrent editing of a network or subnetworks.
  • Allow concurrent editing of any scenario(s).
  • Merge subnetworks (e.g., pressure zones).
  • Run and analyze different alternatives.
  • Compare changes/modifications and results.
  • Manage and share data and results.
  • Lock edits and provide read-only shared tables across multiple users.
  • Log data editing history (who changed what and when).
  • View all defects, rehabilitation actions, laterals and CCTV video locations on the Map and in Profile Views.
  • Stream CCTV media (photos and videos) from the cloud and free-up valuable space on your local drive.
  • Compare AI-annotated media with original files for in-depth QA/QC of your inspection data.
  • Import non-PACP/MACP/LACP standard (any format) survey data from different data sources.
  • Import, validate, and begin R&R planning with NASSCO-compliant defect codes tables and actionable analysis.
  • Instantly create detailed heat maps highlighting inspected lines with critical defects. Push these maps to the cloud with ArcGIS Online and share across your organization.
  • Supports NASSCO PACP | MACP | LACP Version 8.
  • Supports Vancouver Inspection format.
  • Supports XML format (European Standard).
  • Split surveys.
  • Switch survey direction directly from table.
  • Add/Remove/Edit Defects directly in table.
  • Edit Inspection Header information directly in table.
  • Update asset data from Inspection data.
  • Display precise video location along the pipe.
  • Customize the Fields visible in the Inspection table.
  • Share CCTV tables across users or projects.
  • Merge multiple CCTV databases into a single table.
  • Batch editing capability in CCTV inspection and manhole inspection tables.
  • Interactive Validation pinpoints inspection records with issues.
  • View inspection records for any selection of pipes or for all inspection records.
  • Display, review and analyze results using dynamic analytic tools including vivid dashboards, heat maps, 2D and 3D mapping, contours, graphs, profiles, tables, and reports.
  • Share results via csv, geodatabase, ArcGIS Online, or direct via API.

Contact Aquanuity

Discover the full spectrum of tools and capabilities within the AquaTwin geocentric water infrastructure digital twin today.

Just click below to learn more or for a free demo.