Ensure safe and economical operation of your water infrastructure and protect public health

AquaTwin Surge

Built right into ArcGIS Pro®, AquaTwin Surge is the next-generation transient flow simulation software for safe, reliable, sustainable and resilient water infrastructure. Hydraulic transients can introduce large pressure forces and rapid fluid accelerations into a water distribution system. These disturbances can result in pump and equipment damage, system fatigue, water-column separation, pipe rupture, and even dirty water (pathogen) intrusion. Pump failures, valve operations and operator error can lead to hydraulic transients with damaging effects. The severity of hydraulic transients must thus be determined to properly identify and eliminate weak spots.

Typical events that require transient considerations include:

  • Pump startup or shutdown
  • Valve opening or closing
  • Change in boundary pressures
  • Rapid change in demand conditions
  • Change in pipeline conditions
  • Main filling or draining
  • Check valve or dynamic valve action

AquaTwin Surge provides a complete range of transient simulation solutions. The software uses the advanced Fast Lagrangian Wave Method (FLWM) to rapidly and accurately calculate pressures and flows throughout the system under various worst case transient scenarios and evaluate alternate operational strategies and determine and size adequate surge protection devices. Vapor cavitation and liquid column separation as well as pressure-sensitive (pressure-driven) demand and unsteady friction formulations are explicitly modeled. The software can be effectively used by both water utilities and engineering consultants to conceive and evaluate cost-effective and reliable water infrastructure protection and operational/management strategies and safeguard life, property, and the environment.

With speed and accuracy, AquaTwin Surge lets you:

  • Easily model and analyze a wide range of surge protection devices including bladder surge tanks, open surge tanks, one-way open surge tanks (feed tanks), closed surge tanks, pump bypass lines, surge anticipation valve, air release/vacuum (1 and 2 stage) valves, and pressure relief valves.
  • Model valve actions with various types of standard valves including gate valves, needle valves, globe valves, butterfly valves, and ball valves based on exact analytical equations for valve closure characteristics.
  • Determine, locate, and size the most effective combination of surge protection devices.
  • Understand the transient response of your water system, knowing how valves, pumps and other components will dynamically interact with each other.
  • Evaluate the effect of pressure surges due to vapor cavity collapse by modeling vapor cavitation and liquid column separation.
  • Choose between demand-driven and pressure-driven analysis models.
  • Validate the design of safety features to produce safer, more economical water infrastructure systems.
  • Improve water system reliability and integrity by avoiding catastrophic events.

Key Features and Functionality

  • 64 bit ArcGIS Pro extension application.
  • Work directly inside your existing Cloud and enterprise environment such as ArcGIS Online/Portal and share work and content across your organization.
  • No Importing/Exporting of GIS: GIS-centric software. Connect directly to your Enterprise GIS (or Local, if preferred).
  • Ability to dynamically link to dashboards such as ArcGIS Insights, including displaying and analyzing of multiple scenarios.
  • All ArcGIS Pro Symbology and Mapping available (including 3D “Scenes”).
  • Full support of ArcGIS Pro Pipeline Referencing and Utility Network.
  • Compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.x.
  • Provide complete history of changes and modifications (multi-user environment).
  • Hotlink/hyperlink function to provide additional information for any network element features.
  • Superfast and accurate transient solver based on the Fast Lagrangian Wave Method (FLWM), an enhanced version of the Wave Characteristic Method (WCM). FLWM explicitly models friction losses, pressure wave characteristics for pumps and valves, and event-driven pressure wave actions resulting in faster and more accurate transient simulations.
  • Simulate vapor cavity formation and collapse using the rigorous Discrete Vapor Cavity Model (DVCM).
  • Model a wide range of surge protection devices including bladder surge tanks, open surge tanks, one-way open surge tanks (feed tanks), closed surge tanks, pump bypass lines, surge anticipation valves, air release/vacuum (1 and 2 stage) valves, and pressure relief valves.
  • No restriction on how many pipes need to be connected to the device junction when modeling surge protection devices.
  • Calculate transient forces for all network elements (pipes, bends and valves).
  • Choose between demand-driven and pressure-driven analysis models.
  • Initiate the surge analysis at any time of an EPS run (initial and boundary conditions are automatically computed and assigned).
  • Simulate pipe burst/break based on break size for any pipe.
  • Calculate water volume lost to break.
  • Estimate intrusion flows due to negative system pressures.
  • Assess extent of intrusion (e.g., groundwater, contaminant).
  • Create, edit and manage an unlimited number of scenarios using built-in parent-child relationship.
  • Generate new scenarios, switch between existing scenarios, run multiple scenarios, and compare results from different scenarios (e.g., evaluating different combinations of possible surge protection devices to determine the most desirable and the most economical).
  • Build, view and edit an unlimited number of scenario alternatives with intuitive single-click alternative sets manager.
  • Automatically compare, identify and review input data changes/differences between scenarios.
  • Automatically redraw network map for any scenario.
  • Display, review and analyze results using dynamic analytic tools including vivid dashboards, 2D and 3D mapping, contours, graphs, profiles, tables, and reports with summary statistics.
  • Graph and compare results for multiple scenarios (e.g., with and without surge protection devices).
  • Animated pressure and pressure head transient profiles.
  • View how the minimum or maximum hydraulic grade or pressure change across the network.
  • Graph pressure envelope showing current hydraulic grade or pressure as well as minimum and maximum values.
  • Display multiple HGL’s (hydraulic grade line) on the same profile.

Contact Aquanuity

Discover the full spectrum of tools and capabilities within the AquaTwin geocentric water infrastructure digital twin today.

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