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6400 S Fiddlers Green Circle, #820
Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4994
The City of Lakewood thoroughly researched options for purchasing hydraulic modeling software. Major contributing factors for selecting AquaTwin Water software includes:
• AquaTwin Water uses an enhanced version of EPANET, allowing for more robust, quicker analyses, in comparison with the older versions.
• AquaTwin Water does not require an initiation to open the software.
• AquaTwin Water is fully integrated into the latest version of ArcGIS Pro which allows for analyses to be completed with less errors.
I can’t emphasize enough the importance of this full integration, because in the past I’ve witnessed complete modeling failures/crashes when upgrading to the latest (competitors) version of modeling software, only to find that it was not 100% compatible with ArcGIS Pro – especially with larger systems. I have had absolutely no problem running AquaTwin Water with the latest versions of ArcGIS Pro.
The Aquanuity support team has been exceptionally knowledgeable and helpful, and the training videos are easy to follow and super helpful.
In summary, we are very satisfied with AquaTwin Water, and my employer and I are glad we purchased this software.
Anthony Manzano, MS, PE.
Assistant Director of Water Resources, City of Lakewood, CA
6400 S Fiddlers Green Circle, #820
Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4994