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Version Latest release Latest release date Supported ArcGIS Pro versions
January 10, 2025
ArcGIS Pro 3.x

Supporting documents

Version changelog

AquaTwin 4.5.14

1. Peaking Factor Calculator: allow users to calculate flow based peaking factors. (Sewer)

2. Fixed a decimal issue of peaking flow results. (Sewer)

3. Inspection: added Field Display Options for manhole inspections. (Asset)

4. Inspection: MACP import now will import connection table. (Asset)

5. R&R Diagram: added two more special queries to query number of defects or rehab based within a specified manhole component. (Asset)

6. R&R Diagram: allow users to query connection table of manhole inspections. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.13

1. Control: added editing dialog and validation function for rule-based control statements. (Sewer)

2. Import Center: made storage shape fields available for field mappings. (Sewer)

3. Import Center: added field alias to the digital twin fields. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.12

1. Asset Properties: allow users to mange asset GIS data display. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

2. Asset Properties: allow users to edit and save changes of asset GIS data directly in Asset Properties dockable window. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

3. Asset Properties: restore selected asset saved by the previous session. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

4. Risk: LOF/COF scores for a NULL value might not be correctly weighted. Now it has been fixed. (Asset)

5. Twin Attributes: added category count number to the pivot tables. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.11

1. Support definition query. (Asset)

2. Inspection: allow users to save selected inspections only to a file. (Asset)

3. Inspection: allow users to append manhole inspection records saved in a file. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.10

1. Enable horizontal scroll bars for Inspection and Twin Editor tables and allow users auto fit the column widths of the tables. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

2. Inspection: allow users to specify custom fields for inspection records. (Asset)

3. Inspection: allow users to specify the connection/lateral length on the map. (Asset)

4. Inspection: reorganize inspection dialog’s toolbar and add a save button to allow users to save the changes anytime. (Asset)

5. Inspection: allow users to delete selected inspection records. (Asset)

6. Inspection: Draw Defects now will retain existing symbology of defects on the map. (Asset)

7. Export to Geodatabase: all visible inspection fields now will be exported. (Asset)

8. HoloView: reset previous pipe’s video and image content. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.9

1. Valve Criticality: allow users to categorize affected customers (isolated or low pressure) based on a field from the meter or lateral layer. (Asset & Water)

2. CCTV Inspection: allow users to resize the video frame in HoloView. (Asset)

3. R&R Diagram: allow users to query entire condition table including draft rehab method for CCTV and manhole inspections. (Asset)

4. Fixed an issue of clone function in Pattern and Curve. (Sewer)

5. Fixed an issue of field calculator in Pattern dialog. (Water & Sewer)

6. Fixed a unit displaying issues of headloss on the map. (Water)

7. Risk: enhanced distance function to handle discontinuous polylines. (Asset)

8. Added new feature to clone a saved query. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.8

1. Valve Criticality: allow users to categorize isolation valves based on their size. (Asset & Water)

2. Fire Flow: fixed a report issue of critical velocity column. (Water)

3. Fixed a peak flow calculation issue on conduits with negative slope. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.7

1. Added a dropdown menu under Tools button of Twin Properties to save active asset’s record as default. (Water & Sewer)

2. Allow users to apply ArcGIS Pro selection only when pushing changes to the other scenarios. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.6

1. Fixed a Surge result displaying issue. (Surge)

2. Isolation Simulation: optimize valve closing on the dead-end sections. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.5.5

1. New feature: Valve Criticality Analysis. (Water)

2. Added Export to GIS on Pressure Zone Analysis dialog to export pressure zone information to AquaTwin layers. (Water)

3. Allow users to change pressure zone names on Pressure Zone Analysis dialog. (Water)

4. Create Projects button on Project Grouping dialog will re-create the geodabase if the default ArcGIS Pro geodabase has been deleted. (Asset)

5. Fixed an issue with distance calculation between two polylines. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.4

1. Fixed an issue of Draw Subcatchment Outlet tool. (Sewer)

2. Bypassed an issue of ArcGIS Pro distance calculation on LOF/COF. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.3

1. New feature: Valve Replacement Prioritization. (Water)

2. Proximity and crossing options in LOF/COF now will choose the feature with the highest score possible. (Asset)

3. External layer, external table, digital twin and inspection options in LOF/COF now will allow users to assign a default score if the asset ID could not be found. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.5.2

1. Fixed a scoring issue after users change external layer’s field on Edit LOF/COF dialog. (Asset)

2. Issue warning messages when an asset ID within operational changes does not exist. (Surge)

3. Load Pipes button in Pipe Wave Speed tab now will load active pipes only. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.5.1

1. Improved modeling of pumps described by multi-point head-flow characteristic curves for surge analysis. (Surge)

2. Bypassed an exception of MS database engine in AI/ML and LCCA modules. (Asset)

3. Fixed an issue of “Update Geometry” in Import Center. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.5.0

1. Added new feature to allow users to transfer or copy data from a scenario to the other. (Water & Sewer)

2. Allow users to use operable or enabled valves only to run Isolation Simulation. (Water)

3. Pressure Zone Analysis now only enables closed pipes as zone boundaries by default. (Water)

4. Updating a junction’s invert elevation now will update the max depth value instead of rim elevation. (Sewer)

5. Fixed an index issue of loading project when some assets do not have output results. (Water)

6. Fixed a progress bar message issue of Demand/Load Builder. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.2.18

1. Display pattern, curve and scenario descriptions on the digital tree view. (Water & Sewer)

2. Fixed an index issue of report button on graph. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.2.17

1. Allow users to label conduit summary and design fields in profile graph. (Sewer)

2. Added low pressure demand field to resilience metrics report. (Water)

3. Allow users to select and copy records from project list report. (Asset)

4. Added alias names to the GIS fields of a new AquaTwin geodatabase. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

5. Fixed an elevation interpolation issue of inserting junction function. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.2.16

1. Allow users to calculate LOF, COF and risk based on a saved query. (Asset)

2. Separate the defect GIS layer created by Draw Defect into point defect, continuous and connection layers. (Asset)

3. Added option to create contour map on selection. (Water)

4. Fixed an project loading issue when the report time step is 0. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.2.15

1. Transect Creator now allows users to create transects for selected conduit automatically. (Sewer)

2. Allow users to create map display of Min. Freeboard. (Sewer)

3. Allow users to report time series output data of all selected assets on multiple graph dialog. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.2.14

1. Allow users to lock the opened inspection data to prevent other users from making changes to it. (Asset)

2. Populate SourceID field in the GIS layer created by Draw Defects and Heat Map functions. (Asset)

3. Allow users to choose any field from CCTV/manhole inspection header table in R&R diagram. (Asset)

4. Populate defect codes in manhole HoloView. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.2.13

1. Report progress of proximity/crossing geoprocessing on a LOF or COF run. (Asset)

2. Fixed a display issue of culvert code and barrels on conduit’s Asset Properties window. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.2.12

1. Added new Hyperlink feature to allow users to link selected network element with any documents, images, videos or internet resources. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

2. Added a new select menu to highlight “hyperlinked” assets on the map. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.2.11

1. Added separated LOF/COF categories which will allow users to pick and choose which factors to use in a given Risk run. (Asset)

2. Allow users to select up to 60 COFs in risk calculation. (Asset)

3. Added optional mapping fields for manholes on Asset Registration dialog. (Asset)

4. Allow users to create R&R diagram for manholes. (Asset)

5. Allow users to compare multiple assets on graph. (Water & Sewer)

6. Fixed an issue of deactivating existing inspections. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.2.10

1. Added project log option to allow users to track project changes. (Asset)

2. Added Setup.exe to AquaTwin Installer to allow users to install software using “Run as administrator” option.

3. Fixed an issue of Map Display function on populating GIS data. (Sewer)

4. Bypass an exception of R&R decision tree when the result of an active risk scenario is empty. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.2.9

1. Added Wave Speed Calculator to Surge dialog. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.2.8

1. Compute break/leakage flow and volume for EPS. (Water)

2. Show help text of Intrusion Coefficient field. (Surge)

3. Allow users to model pipe break without any operational changes. (Surge)

4. Allow users to query condition tables of CCTV and manhole inspection. (Asset)

5. Allow users to display multiple inspections on the same pipe using Asset Map Display. (Asset)

6. Fixed an issue with max. fire flow calculation when some constraint junctions or pipes do not have digital twin data. (Water)

7. Fixed an inp file generation issue on demand category names. (Water)

8. Fixed a licensing issue of Surge. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.2.7

1. Estimate Intrusion Flows (Surge).

2. Compute break/leakage flow and volume (Surge).

3. Calculate Transient Forces in pipes, valves and bends (Surge).

4. Added Field Calculator to allow users to derive new values from other fields. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

5. Allow users to display CCTV or other inspection video in default player from a separated window by double-clicking the video control in HoloView. (Asset)

6. Populate inspection names in the new GIS layers generated by Draw Defects and Heat Map functions. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.2.6

1. Added Refresh drop down menu on asset tree to refresh data from a centralized location changed by the other user. (Asset)

2. Allowed users to append (add to the end), insert (add to the front) and replace texts in a table column using Calculate Field function. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed a crash issue caused by recent VSP changes. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.2.5

1. Added pump speed output result to fixed pressure pumps. (Water)

2. Developed multi-user environments in AquaTwin to allow users to manage asset data in a centralized location. (Asset)

3. Allowed users to launch condition tables in CCTV Inspection and Manhole Inspection dialog and do bulk editing on a selected field. (Asset)

4. Prevented users from creating scenarios with invalid names. (Water & Sewer)

5. Bypassed an error exception of redraw map when “Size” field has been removed in pipe layer. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.2.4

1. Enhanced fire flow simulation speed when computing max. flow with min. required pressure or max. velocity constraint (Water)

2. Fixed a risk calculation issue when there are more 20 LOFs. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.2.3

1. Allowed users to compare HGL and other parameters from different scenarios in Profile Graph. (Water)

2. Allowed users to compare HGL and other parameters from different scenarios in Surge Profile Graph. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.2.2

1. Enabled users to store, copy and paste demands in different demand fields. (Water)

2. Allowed users to control how many demand fields to show in Twin Attribute dialog and in Asset Properties. (Water)

3. Allowed users to calculate field’s values including demand fields based on selected cells in Twin Attribute dialog. (Water & Sewer)

4. Demand Builder now Allows users to assign demands to different demand fields based on different land use types. (Water)

5. Added progress bar to Demand/Inflow builder and allowed users to cancel in the middle. (Water & Sewer)

6. Added Surge Event tab to Surge dialog. (Surge)

7. Fixed a crash issue of multi-tracing when updating results to inactive elements. (Water)

8. Fixed an inp file import issue on tank min. volume. (Water)

9. Fixed a surge issue when having zero F value for CV pipes and pumps. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.2.1

1. Added head gained and upstream/downstream pressure information to pump output report. (Water)

2. Added upstream/downstream pressure information to valve output report. (Water)

3. Fixed a required min. pressure issue in hydrant curve printable report. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.2.0

1. New feature: extended fire flow. (Water)

2. Allowed users to specify EPS time on fire flow run. (Water)

3. Added a new column in fire flow report to indicate if available fire flow and max fire flow satisfy the fire flow constraints. (Water)

4. Added % full to tank output report. (Water)

5. Added total water supplied, total water consumed and total water stored information in status report. (Water)

6. Added pattern to control valves. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.81

1. Added an option to aggregate upstream sewersheds on RDII calibration. (Sewer)

2. Allowed users to view risk, AI failure prediction, R&R, RUL and other reports on selected assets only. (Asset)

3. Allowed users to query on any fields of inspection table in a saved query. (Asset)

4. Added batch editing capability in CCTV inspection and manhole inspection tables. (Asset)

5. Allowed users to view selected or all inspection records. (Asset)

6. Fixed an issue of saving a new selection. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.80

1. Added selection menu item to select junctions with surge protection devices. (Surge)

2. Added a right-click popup menu on Verification tab of Message window to clear all validation results. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

3. Added a function to export inspections and conditions to CSVs on Inspection dialog. (Asset)

4. Added an option to allow users to avoid overwriting manually assigned CCTV or manhole inspection scores. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.79

1. Combined surge tanks and surge valves as Surge Protection Devices to allow users to model PRVs and SAVs on junctions. (Surge)

2. Added a new feature to allow users to save report layout on Twin Attributes. (Water & Sewer)

3. Enhanced fire flow options dialog. (Water)

4. Added wet weather flow (WWF) to RDII calibration report and graph. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.78

1. Enhanced RDII calibration speed on a large data set. (Sewer)

2. Added a new feature to extract rainfall events and DWF patterns from flow measurement data. (Sewer)

3. Allowed users to merge two inspections when opening an inspection file. (Asset)

4. Fixed an editing issue of surge tank properties. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.1.77

1. Added design capacity and remaining design capacity results to conduit summary report. (Sewer)

2. Added linear interpolation option to Minor Loss Calculator. (Sewer)

3. Hided video or image control in HoloView when the media data cannot be found. (Asset)

4. Disabled length scaling on defect heat map. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.76

1. Added option to set junction invert elevation equal to the lowest connect pipe’s invert elevation. (Sewer)

2. Allowed users to report time series data of all selected assets on multiple graph dialog. (Water)

3. Disabled rim elevation editing on asset properties dockable window. (Sewer)

4. Prevented users from import invert elevation, rim elevation and max. depth in a same time on Import Manager. (Sewer)

5. Allowed users to copy/paste inspection records. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.75

1. Added an option to specify whether the air is compressible. (Surge)

2. Fixed an editing issue of air valve. (Surge)

3. Fixed a Surge unit display issue on the map. (Suge)

AquaTwin 4.1.74

1. Added an option to show node ID label on Surge Profile dialog. (Surge)

2. Allowed users to copy/paste data on Twin Attributes dialog. (Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed a project grouping issue when grouping on attribute fields only. (Asset)

4. Added progressor bar to project grouping. (Asset)

5. Increased inp import speed on a big amount of timeseries data. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.73

1. Added surge profile graph. (Surge)

2. Allowed users to create a saved query based on inlet and outlet offsets of links. (Sewer)

3. Fixed an ID sorting issue of profile view. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.72

1. Fixed a unit conversion error for quadratic pump curve coefficients. (Surge)

2. Pump F values now are calculated based on the connecting pipes’ diameter. (Surge)

AquaTwin 4.1.71

1. Double-click on an inspection validation message now will open the target pipe/manhole inspection record. (Asset)

2. Allowed users to search R&R branches based on IDs, query statements and descriptions. (Asset)

3. Allowed users to save and open a R&R diagram from a file. (Asset)

4. Fixed a zoom issue of R&R branch editing. (Asset)

5. Fixed issues related invert calculation. (Sewer)

6. Fixed a saving issue of inspection detail table. (Asset)

7. Fixed a display issue of CCTV images when they are stored in a Cloud directory. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.70

1. Added check valve features to Surge pump. (Surge)

2. Enhanced rule-base control editors with color rendering of the texts. (Water & Sewer)

3. Added an option to label defects on HoloView for CCTV inspections and manhole inspections. (Asset)

4. Allowed users to save project configuration to a file and open from it. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.69

1. Added an option to allow users to specify a score for the null values on LOF/COF calculation. (Asset)

2. Added apply selection option on Elevation Manager dialog. (Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed an unit conversion issue of peak d/D and peak water depth results. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.68

1. Allowed users to save and open pipe and manhole inspection data through files. (Asset)

2. Allowed users to zoom on X axis by scrolling mouse on graphs. (Water & Sewer)

3. Added Length Surveyed field to Inspection map display. (Asset)

4. Added curve type field on Curve dialog. (Water)

5. Fixed a display issue of total evaporation results on subcatchment table. (Sewer)

6. Fixed a saving issue of simple control when time values contain decimal places. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.67

1. Added AquaTwin Surge license component. (Water)

2. Hided the warning message of zero demand disconnected nodes. (Water)

3. Added Clear Demand button to allow users to clear all demand data (in selection or all records) on Twin Attributes dialog. (Water)

4. Fixed an issue of Draw Meter Connection on junction. (Water & Sewer)

5. Added “count” to Inspection pivot tables. (Asset)

6. Fixed a sorting issue of R&R Cost table. (Asset)

7. Fixed an editing issue of curve. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.66

1. Fixed an issue of inp generation in Evaporation section. (Sewer)

2. Fixed a fire flow issue when the saved selection has some inactive junctions or pipes. (Water)

3. Enhanced demand category import in Import Center dialog. (Water)

4. Added copy button on Manhole Inspection dialog to copy manhole inspection records. (Asset)

5. Enabled users to interact with ArcGIS Pro when Manhole Inspection dialog is opened. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.65

1. Fixed a length limit issue of simple control dialog. (Water)

2. Connectivity updates now are not required to have both upstream and downstream node IDs on Connectivity Builder dialog. (Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed an issue of Delete Selection when ArcGIS Pro editor is disabled. (Water & Sewer)

4. Fixed an import issue of BEFDSS_01_01 standard. (Asset)

5. Added the copy function on Scenario Comparison dialog. (Water & Sewer)

6. Added inflow (direct, DWF and RDII) data comparison on Scenario Comparison dialog. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.64

1. Changed “Asset ID” to “ID” on validation window to avoid confusion on inspection validation. (Asset)

2. Changed “PACP_Code” to “Code” on defect GIS layer to support non-PACP standards. (Asset)

3. Fixed an import issue and a defect coding issue of NBN_EN_13508-2 standard. (Asset)

4. Added copy button on Inspection dialog to copy inspection records. (Asset)

5. Added delete defect menu on Inspection dialog to allow users to delete a selected observation. (Asset)

6. Enabled users to interact with ArcGIS Pro and HoloView when Inspection dialog is opened. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.63

1. Increased available fire flow and residual pressure computing speed. (Water)

2. Fixed a map report issue of hydrant fire flow capacity curve. (Water)

3. Allowed users to import demand category names from GIS data. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.62

1. Added depression storage field to subcatchments for SCS runoff models. (Sewer)

2. Added “TotalLOF” field in R&R diagram to allow users to access LOF raw data instead of normalized LOF values only. (Asset)

3. Deactivate existing inspection option now will ignore survey direction from the old inspection records. (Asset)

4. Bypassed an output access issue when IDs end with a space. (Water)

5. Fixed map display issue of manhole inspections. (Asset)

6. Draw Defects now only draws active CCTV inspections. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.61

1. Added a new feature to manage and run fire flow zones. (Water)

2. Fixed an editing issue of infiltration data on tabular view. (Sewer)

3. Fixed an issue of Compute Residual Pressure flag. (Water)

4. Auto map redraw on scenario switching is checked for a new project now. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.60

1. Tank level displayed incorrectly when a tank was selected for the other network element on graph. Now it has been fixed. (Water)

2. Fixed default max. d/D saving issue on Conduit Capacity dialog. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.59

1. Added scatter summary report to create multiple scatter plots for a same asset. (Sewer)

2. Expanded ID limit to 63 characters in EPANET inp file import. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.58

1. Increased fire flow junction loading speed for a large network. (Water)

2. Added a new tool to package AquaTwin project files. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

3. Added Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient to calibration statistics report. (Water & Sewer)

4. Fixed a crash issue related to network or OneDrive directory. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.57

1. Added a progress bar for RDII calibration run. (Sewer)

2. Added GA options to RDII calibration. (Sewer)

3. Fixed a crash issue of RDII calibration. (Sewer)

4. Fixed an incorrect warning message on Profile. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.56

1. New feature: Peaking Factor Calculator. (Sewer)

2. New feature: steady state analysis option. (Sewer)

3. Allow users to produce demand statistic results on different patterns. (Water)

4. Export to Geodatabase now will export zone ID from Pressure Zone Analysis results. (Water)

5. Export to Geodatabase now will export inflow data (Direct, DWF and RDII) (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.55

1. Added new “Weekly” pattern type to allow users to create a DWF pattern with hourly multipliers for each day of week. (Sewer)

2. Added Video field to the defect feature class created by Draw Defects function. (Asset)

3. Added an option to allow users to populate full paths of images and videos. (Asset)

4. R&R diagram will count all of defects or rehabs when defect code or rehab type is left empty in a special query. (Asset)

5. Enhanced scatter plot by removing XY axis paddings and plotting 1:1 line based on the range of data. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.54

1. New feature: calibration tool based on scatter graph of peak values. (Sewer)

2. Removed empty spaces on exported csv files. (Asset)

3. Fixed an issue of Lateral Inflow comparison graph on Calibration Manager dialog. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.53

1. New feature: Outage Analysis for sewer. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.52

1. New feature: Service Lateral Storage Compensation. (Sewer)

2. Added Chart Designer button to allow users change color and styles of the graphs. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.51

1. Added Auto Paths function on Profile dialog to trace all possible paths from a downstream node. (Sewer)

2. Added Min/Max Difference fields to calibration statistics results. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.50

1. Added import function of EU CCTV xml files. (Asset)

2. Allowed users to create defect codes from different standards. (Asset)

3. Added Field Display Options dialog to allow users to show, hide or change inspection field captions and display different data format of condition table. (Asset)

4. Added a function on Inspection dialog to update pipe layer with inspection results. (Asset)

5. Added Minor Loss Calculator to calculate a conduit’s exit minor loss based on its angle with the downstream link. (Sewer)

6. Added conduit shape type field to Saved Query. (Sewer)

7. Users could not select a link from a upstream pipe on Profile dialog. Now it has been fixed. (Sewer)

8. Fixed an issue of geodatabase export on pump data. (Water)

9. Populated “From/To” node IDs for the links in Digital Twin geodatabase export. (Water & Sewer)

10. Removed conduit “XSection” field and populated “ShapeType” field during geodatabase export. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.49

1. Added “Level Pattern ID” field to tanks to allow users to control tank level through a pattern. (Water)

2. Users now are able to disable a simple control by adding a semicolon in front of it. (Water)

3. Changed link label field control to allow users to select any combination of label fields on Profile dialog. (Sewer)

4. Fixed a decimal issue of average field on Field Statistic dialog. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.48

1. Support multiple-parents in R&R Diagram. (Asset)

2. Added a button to display decision path on R&R Plan report. (Asset)

3. Pipe split would not copy the GIS attributes of the existing pipe to the new pipe. Now it has been fixed (Water & Sewer)

4. Fixed an issue of creating a new nested saved selection. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.47

1. Added capabilities to interpolate DWF in RDII calibration. (Sewer)

2. Support nested Saved Query to allow users to create multiple-parameter LOF/COF, develop custom data validation procedures or other business logics, etc. (Asset, Water & Sewer)

3. Added save function to Multiple Graph. (Water & Sewer)

4. Added project DB location information to About dialog. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.46

1. Added External Layer and External Table options to Saved Query to allow users to create query through tabular join or spatial join with external GIS data. (Asset)

2. Fixed an import issue of valve initial status. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.45

1. Calculate and display number of assets on each R&R branch. (Asset)

2. Added a button to select and zoom R&R branch’s results on the map. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.44

1. Added an option to change visual range of Scatter Plot. (Sewer)

2. Added “crown of pipe” line on Scatter Plot. (Sewer)

3. Skip the simple control statement in INP file when the link is inactive. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.43

1. Added depth-velocity scatter plot on Calibration Manager. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.42

1. Show video location of a CCTV inspection. (Asset)

2. Added Min Pressure Change option to avoid selecting low pressure or disconnected pipes without pressure changes.

3. Added Report button on System Summary dialog to display system flow result in tabular format.

AquaTwin 4.1.41

1. Enhanced tank status handling in engine. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.40

1. Added functions to create printable hydrant curve report and fire flow report (can export to PDF, htm and other formats). (Water)

2. Added survey length field to Inspection dialog. (Asset)

3. Allowed to zoom calibration comparison graph. (Water & Sewer)

4. Max available flow might not be cleared from the previous FF run. Now it has been fixed. (Water)

5. Fixed a time step issue of calibration comparison graph on Sewer. (Sewer)

6. Fixed a flow precision issue of Inflow Builder. (Sewer)

7. Fixed a flow precision issue of Field Statistics. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.39

1. Added a function to split a CCTV inspection which surveyed multiple pipes. (Asset)

2. Added validation functions to validate survey length and distance of condition records against GIS pipe length. (Asset)

3. Added a button on Calibration Manager to plot scatter graph of telemetry data. (Water & Sewer)

4. Added Options button to Demand Builder dialog to allow users to specify search distance on the first page. (Water)

5. Search distance was not used to allocate demand/inflows using Closest Pipe method. Now it has been fixed. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.38

1. Support ArcGIS Pro 3.3.

2. Added the ability to show and label CCTV defects on the profile graph. (Asset)

3. Added progress bars to Draw Defect and Draw Rehab on Inspection dialog. (Asset)

4. Fixed a saving issue of the name of the active risk/inspection scenario. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.37

1. Fixed a crash issue of Demand Builder when a meter’s geometry is invalid.

AquaTwin 4.1.36

1. Added options to include hydrant lateral loss on system safety/fire flow simulation. (Water)

2. Added field statistics function to graph’s time series report. (Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed an issue of selecting affected customers with low pressure pipes on Isolation dialog. (Water)

4. Fixed an issue of Zoom to Sequence in UDF. (Water)

5. Fixed a clone issue of a sewer twin set. (Sewer)

6. Menu of report all parameter was not working on a sewer graph. Now it has been fixed. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.35

1. Added “Service Disrupted Pipes” section for Isolation summary report. (Water)

2. Highlight Affected Customers on Isolation now will also highlight isolated or service disrupted pipes. (Water)

3. Fixed an inconsistence issue of disconnected node flag on isolation engine when the demand is 0. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.34

1. Fixed an issue of selecting affected customers using Associated Pipe ID Field on Isolation dialog. (Water)

2. Allowed users to filter the GIS data source using a SQL query expression on Import Center. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.33

1. Fixed an issue of Ignore RDII flag. (Sewer)

2. Fixed a reset map issue on contour map. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.32

1. Added Impacted Demand field to map display. (Water)

2. Allowed users to import barrels field in Import Center. (Sewer)

3. Design HGL tool now supports storage data type. (Sewer)

4. Inserting a junction to a pipe will now clone the original pipe attributes to the new pipe. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.31

1. Added Reflect INP File Changes tool. (Water & Sewer)

2. Fixed a crash issue of Isolation. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.30

1. Added Groundwater table to Twin Attribute dialog. (Sewer)

2. Fixed a saved selection issue for subcatchments and raingages. (Sewer)

3. Flow values in graph and multiple graph dialogs were not rounded according to flow precision settings. Now it has been fixed. (Sewer)

4. Fixed a junction merge issue when there are more than 2 vicinity junctions. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.29

1. Added an option of Pressure Zone Analysis to allow users to preserve zone descriptions from the previous run. (Water)

2. Implemented Comments tab of UDF Sequence dialog to allow users to enter the flushing instructions for the field workers. (Water)

3. Enlarged combo size and added tooltip of the selected value to Edit Saved Query dialog. (Water & Sewer)

4. Added Unit Headloss field to the map display. (Water)

5. Added “description” to inflow table. (Sewer)

6. Added statistics function to inflow table. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.28

1. Added relative path support for the external files of temperature, raingage and timeseries. The path should be relative to the location of ArcGIS Pro project file. (Sewer)

2. Fixed an inp file generation issue of climate data when the start reading date of the temperature file is empty. (Water)

3. UDF issue fixes and enhancements. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.27

1. Added a selection shortcut to select junctions with more than 2 connections. (Water & Sewer)

2. Added an error message to an UDF sequence when the flushing hydrant has negative pressure or is disconnected from the network. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.26

1. Support Vancouver CCTV inspection format. (Asset)

2. Support multiple outlets for subcatchments. (Sewer)

3. Added Design HGL tool. (Sewer)

4. Fixed an output display issue of the second flushing hydrant. (Water)

5. Fixed an import issue of conduit shape type. Now Import Center supports both string and integer data types of the source data. (Sewer)

6. Fixed a conduit ID display issue of profile graph. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.25

1. New feature: unidirectional flushing. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.24

1. Fixed a ribbon activation issue of Sewer 2D floating license.  (Licensing)

AquaTwin 4.1.23

1. Fixed inp importing issues on raingage, time series and temperature files. (Sewer)

2. Added a button on File Name field of raingage to select an external rainfall file. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.22

1. Bypassed a crash exception on About AquaTwin dialog. (Licensing)

2. Added an option on Isolation dialog to blank the results of disconnected nodes and links. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.21

1. Added combined rehab actions.  (Asset)

2. Added Draw Draft Rehab menu. (Asset)

3. Fixed a crash issue of adding a R&R branch.

AquaTwin 4.1.20

1. Added import spatial rainfall data tool.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.19

1. Added Draw Defects function to draw defects on the map.  (Asset)

2. Implemented VC accelerator for MSX.  (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.18

1. Added hotstart file option for water quality simulation.  (Water)

2. Added hotstart file option for MSX.  (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.17

1. Allowed users to color code and label MSX results on the map.  (Water)

2. Enhanced Axis X’s title display on water age/chemical water quality graph.  (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.16

1. Added new Special Query data source in R&R diagram.  (Asset)

2. Added defect buffering distance option to allows users to calculate the length of non-continuous defects.  (Asset)

3. Fixed a R&R run issue on selection.  (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.15

1. Added a subcatchment tool to calculate the width values.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.14

1. Corrected the mass balance reporting error when tank overflows.  (Water)

2. Fixed a MSX bug that may lead to infinite loop in concentration update of the pipe wall species. (Water)

3. Added a subcatchment tool to calculate the slope values.  (Sewer)

4. Added Status Report icon to Digital Twin tree for easy access.  (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.13

1. New titles for AquaTwin Sewer applications.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.12

1. Add Conduit Capacity table to calculate each conduit if the d/D exceeds the design d/D.  (Sewer)

2. Report and color code conduits on Exceed Design d/D field. (Sewer)

3. Fixed an import issue on water quality settings.  (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.11

1. Added “Rain on 2D Mesh” option to Sewer 2D.  (Sewer 2D)

2. Added Transect Creator. (Sewer)

3. Added options to label link’s flow and depth on profile graph.  (Sewer)

4. Fixed a Xsection saving issue on irregular conduits. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.1.10

1. Import Center is now able to import GIS data through spatial join.  (Water & Sewer)

2. Added AquaTwin Asset help file. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.1.9

1. Integrated Design Storm Wizard with AquaTwin Sewer.  (Sewer)

2. Added an option to blank mesh cells with tiny or no water depth on 2D map display. (Sewer 2D)

3. Added a function to redraw mesh cells without remeshing everything. (Sewer 2D)

4. Fixed an import issue on Tank data. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.8

1. Added “Connected to 2D” flag to junctions (remeshing is required for it to take effect).  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.1.7

1. Added an option to query active assets only in a Saved Query (for digital twin data only).  (Water & Sewer)

2. Fixed inp file generation issue on PRV initial status. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.6

1. Fixed a Sewer 2D licensing issue.

AquaTwin 4.1.5

1. Fixed flow and pressure output results for disconnected demand situations. (Water)

2. Fixed a dialog focus issue of Isolation dialog so that users don’t have to click the buttons twice after selecting a isolation pipe from the map. (Water)

3. Changed Select Water Sources button with a more intuitive icon. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.4

1. Added a small button to select any trace node (junction, tank or reservoir) on Trace Node ID field of Water Quality options. (Water)

2. Show trace node ID instead of “Quality” in single trace’s graph and report.  (Water)

3. Allowed users to color code/label any trace node’s percentage through map display dialog.  (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.3

1. Increased water quality simulation speed using OpenMP parallelization. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.1.2

1. Fixed an infiltration data issue. (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.1.1

1. Added Append Subcatchment and Split Subcatchment tools for storm modeling users. (Sewer)

2. Added Select icon on the ribbon area to allow users to select an element when Asset Properties window is closed. (Water & Sewer)

3. Fixed a refresh issue of number of meshes.

4. Fixed a coordinate rounding issue on meshing.  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.1.0

1. Added tank damage assessment caused by earthquake. (Water)

2. Fixed a meshing issue on concave void polygons.  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.0.36

1. Added Rehab Buffer and Combine Distance fields to R&R Cost table. (Asset)

2. Excluded inactive assets from pressure zone analysis.  (Water)

3. Added Mesh Tuning Tolerance option to mesh engine.  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.0.35

1. Added an option to specify a time range to deactivate existing inspection records. (Asset)

2. Enhanced Isolation performance by comparing pressure difference from the previous time step.  (Water)

3. Fixed a crash issue on overlapping vertices.  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.0.34

1. Added an option to hide inactive element (please click Reset Map for an existing project to take effect). (Water & Sewer)

2. Added mass balance report for critical outflow boundary condition.  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.0.33

1. Supported PACP/MACP 8’s defect codes and scoring. (Asset)

2. Select All Disconnected Junctions/Pipes now only apply to active elements. (Water & Sewer)

3. Implemented 2D boundary conditions (Wall or Critical Outflow).  (Sewer 2D)

AquaTwin 4.0.32

1. Allowed users to import NEXRAD (radar rainfall data) in Import Center. (Sewer)

2. Allowed users to specify a different infiltration for the meshes within a polygon layer. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.31

1. Allowed users to specify min/max RTK parameter range in RDII calibration. (Sewer)

2. Load AquaTwin Geodatabase would continue loading even if the geodatabase could not be found.  Now it has been fixed. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.30

1. Added an option to compute idle facilities (0 flow of pumps/valves) on Criticality dialog.  (Water)

2. Addded Idle Facilities column to resilience metric report. (Water)

3. Added Create Meter Connections tool to create a GIS layer for meter connection.  (Water & Sewer)

4. Added Max Depth input filed for Saved Query.  (Sewer)

5. Fixed a memory issue in RDII Calibration engine. (Sewer)

6. Fixed a Map Finder issue when searching a link missing upstream/downstream IDs. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.29

1. Added progress bar to mesh creation.  (Sewer 2D)

2. Fixed decimal placement issue of roughness and max depth on geodatabase export.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.28

1. Added infiltration table on Twin Attributes dialog. (Sewer)

2. Added verify/fix pump/valve direction tools. (Water & Sewer)

2. Enhanced 2D meshing on void polygons.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.27

1. Added pivot table capabilities to pipe and manhole Inspection tables. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.0.26

1. Added AquaTwin Sewer 2D license page.

2. Added an option to update geometry in Import Center.  (Water & Sewer)

3. Added “Freeboard” map display. (Sewer)

4. Enabled meter assignment tool when meter layer is from an enterprise geodatabase. (Water & Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.25

1. Fixed an issue on inspection deactivation function. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.0.24

1.Added tank volume output report and statistics. (Water)

2. Added tank volume graph. (Water)

3. Added “Active” field to pipe and manhole inspection data. (Asset)

4. Added an option to deactivate older inspection records during import. (Asset)

5. Fixed an INP file generation issue on inactive subcatchments. (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.23

1. Assign Pipe Segment Reference to pipe ID field when inspection validation could not locate upstream/downstream manholes in GIS. (Asset)

2. Added Inspection and Remaining Useful Life to Asset Map Display.  (Asset)

3. Added Inspection and Remaining Useful Life to Export to Geodatabase.  (Asset)

4. Fixed a heat map issue on inspection data when the GIS data is “Z Aware”. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.0.22

1. Fixed a crash issue when reading output results from an inactive fixed flow/pressure pump. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.0.21

1. Added F1 online help shortcut. (Water and Sewer)

2. Added a menu item under About AquaTwin to launch online help. (Water and Sewer)

2. Allowed users to generate field statistics on Output and Summary results. (Water and Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.20

1. Maintenance update.

AquaTwin 4.0.19

1. List the closed pipes in Isolation Summary report when users choose a saved selection as closable pipes. (Water)

2. Popup progress bar before isolation tracing to prevent users from clicking run button twice on Isolation Simulation dialog. (Water)

3. Fixed a Saved Query combo box issue on Scanrio Manager dialog. (Water)

4. Fixed tank level values on tank comparison graphs. (Water)

5. Changed default orifice discharge coefficient to 0.65. (Sewer)

6. Fixed initial offset issue when converting a conduit to orifice.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.18

1. Added help files for AquaTwin Water and AquaTwin Sewer.  *

2. Allowed users to import Pattern, Curve, Timeseries data through Import Center.  (Water and Sewer)

3. Fixed demand pattern multiplier issue on fixed flow pump. (Water)

4. Enabled ArcSDE data editing on Inflow Builder.  (Sewer)

* The help files are delivered to C:\Program Files\AquaTwin\.  If there is a problem in viewing the CHM file, please right click on the CHM file and select Properties.  Then Check Unlock from the Properties dialog.

AquaTwin 4.0.17

Release notes:

1. Added Culvert Code Selector to conduits.  (Sewer)

2. Fixed Outlet’s digital twin data’s display issue on attribute browser.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.16

1. Fixed conduit direction display issue.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.15

1. Added functionality for the admin users to log and report license checkout history. (License Manager)

2. Fixed the change password issue for tenant users.  (License Manager)

3. Fixed a graph display issue on Calibration Manager when there are multiple telemetry devices.  (Water and Sewer)

4. Fixed a disconnected junctions issue.  (Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.14

1. Allow users to select inspection with certain defect codes in R&R diagram. (Asset)

2. Allow users to display and navigate through defect table in HoloView. (Asset)

AquaTwin 4.0.13

1. New feature: Remaining Useful Life. (Asset)

2. Added Remaining Useful Life to R&R diagram. (Asset)

3. Added Remaining Useful Life to Saved Query. (Asset)

4. Populated IsolationChange field with pressure changes after pipe isolation in output GIS layer. (Water)

AquaTwin 4.0.12

1. Added Scatter Plot to Twin Attribute table. (Water and Sewer)

2. Populated field aliases with COF/LOF name in exported risk layer. (Asset)

3. Added copy + paste functionalities to risk scoring table. (Asset)

4. Removed check boxes of asset list in Temetry Graph dialog to prevent users from unchecking an asset while its model data is on. (Water and Sewer)

AquaTwin 4.0.11

1. New feature: batch run fire flow on multiple scenarios.  Users have option to overwrite each scenario with current fire flow demands and settings or maintain its own fire flow demands and settings.

2. Fixed an issue of Convert valves to links option on Import Center.

AquaTwin 4.0.10

1. Allow users to check critical junctions within a saved selection when computing maximum fire flow.

2. Selecting Critical Junction or Critical Pipe field on Asset Properties will now flash the junction/pipe on the map.

3. Added Select Pipe button on Project Management Report to allow users to add a pipe by selecting it on the map.

4. Fixed an Inflow Builder issue on inflow coefficient.

AquaTwin 4.0.9

1. Allow users to color code an average value field.

2. Allow users to calculate risk based on a Saved Selection.

AquaTwin 4.0.8

1. Added progress bar to Import Center and allowed users to cancel the process in the middle.

2. Added copy/paste function to Rehab Cost and Defect Code tables.

3. R&R and LACCA was using old cost table.  Now it has been fixed.

AquaTwin 4.0.7

1. Added an option to avoid overwriting existing GIS data during map redrawing.

2. Bypassed an ArcGIS Pro issue of Z value conversion on Import Center.

AquaTwin 4.0.6

1. Added an option to insert upstream and downstream junctions when importing pumps from point features or converting junctions to pumps.

2. Fixed a map display issue on inactive assets.

AquaTwin 4.0.5

1. Added Digitize Network feature to allow users to create element continuously.

2. Added two small buttons to From and To fields in Asset Properties to allow users to change connected nodes by selecting on the map.

3. Added dropdown menus under Refresh Active Status button to activate/deactivate elements in ArcGIS Pro selection.

4. Added confirmation messages to all GIS-Network Cleanup tools.

5. Added Trace Parallel Pipes results to the validation tab of the message board.

AquaTwin 4.0.4

1. Added Initial Status field in Saved Query.

2. Fixed an issue of conduit offset depth/elevation calculation.

3. Dialogs might sink to the bottom on creating a link on the map.  Now it has been fixed.

AquaTwin 4.0.3

1. Added full status report option.

AquaTwin 4.0.2

1. Fixed a scenario comparison issue on raingage data.

AquaTwin 4.0.1

1. Allowed users to specify rock and soil percentages of the ground on Earthquake.

2. Allowed users to specify pipe fragility curve based on different pipe group such as material.

AquaTwin 4.0.0

1. New feature: sewer temperature modeling.

2. Display model output graph when users select an asset on calibration manager.

3. Meter assignment on Asset Properties now works on both Water and Sewer.

4. Fixed a crash issue on Twin Builder when the spatial reference is empty.